Future Mailbomb Target
People use the word "God" so often these days it's a little scary, but it's such a small percentage that ever think about it, and it's an even smaller percentage that know what it means. Teenage girls have taken the phrase "ohmygod", or omg, and made it into some sort of weird intro piece for every juicy story that comes rolling and stumbling out of their vapid little heads. The word itself has for all intents and purposes, lost whatever meaning we originally assigned to it when this patchwork english language was first being formed. I've been scared to ask people what they think of when they think of the word god. What if there's still hordes and multitudes out there that see this charlton heston bearded guy with a fucking cane waving his hands over a pint-sized globe and controlling every aspect of our lives? I can't buy it. Christians and their ilk will often use a term known as "God's Love". This in my mind implies that their vision of the supreme being is one equipped with human emotions and a very human sounding mind. They also talk about god's wrath, his anger, his joy. The bible makes God sound like some ordinary guy sitting at the controls of the creation machine with a wicked bad hangover. Does this seem weird to anyone else? A supreme being is something beyond us in every way shape and form. Were God so close to us in composition as is described in The Bible, multitudes of plucky homosapiens would've started their own similiar Universe Creation starter kits by now. What I'm getting at is that the Bible's definition of God makes God impossible, or flawed. Perfection and Love as we understand the two concepts cannot mix no matter how we try to fit them together. Same with any other emotion Monotheists attach to the Supreme Being. It goes on like this. Will you hate me for it? Probably.
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