My Offerings to Thee, O Wise and Powerful Internet

All the things clamouring around inside my head fighting to get out get crammed onto this page instead. Saves space where it's needed most, right?

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Location: Burnaby, british columbia, Canada

everything written or spoken about a person is merely a single facet of a very complex gem that we rarely ever even get a proper glimpse of.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

ruminations on the point, the 27th in a series.

Lately, and i mean for the last few years or so, it's been all about purpose. All about the point, the end of the journey, the goal. I guess the journey along the way lost a lot of it's significance. Maybe it's because the steps started all looking the same. I mean, that does get boring, but maybe we choose routines to slip into for a reason? People do the same thing on a horrifically repetitive basis for some greater underlying reason, right? But then again, i seem to have a fixation regarding variety. My music, my videogames, presumably my books and my written work, if i still did that sort of thing regularly. i guess all of us fall within preset patterns in one way or another. My need to fall outside of the norm still falls within a pattern, or at least it could be defined as one.
Here's a thought. Why don't you try to work within the boundaries of your attention span, instead of trying to change it in some impossible way?


Blogger krizm said...

I am including something I think needs to be said to bright people. We are wonderful to have around, but no one promised us entertainment.

John Berryman (author)
"Dream Song 14"
Life, friends, is boring. We must not say so.
After all, the sky flashes, the great sea yearns,
we ourselves flash and yearn,
and moreover my mother told me as a boy
(repeatingly) "Ever to confess you're bored
means you have no
Inner Resources." I conclude now I have no
inner resources, because I am heavy bored.
Peoples bore me,
literature bores me, especially great literature,
Henry bores me, with his plights & gripes
as bad as Achilles,
who loves people and valiant art, which bores me.
And the tranquil hills, & gin, look like a drag
and somehow a dog
has taken itself & its tail considerably away
into the mountains or sea or sky, leaving
behind: me, wag.

3:28 PM  

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