morning drew near, yet sleep would not take him.
My attempts at sleep have been met with abysmal failure. My mind still races with the days events, unable to escape the ugly truths that assault my psyche on a regular basis. Ever since truth became my standard, the measure by which all I see is judged, so much has begun to fail me.
"Lies are the weapons which attack the very fabric of our reality."
With this song playing in the background, my world is destroyed with almost clockwork regularity. I can't fight this way anymore. I can't continue slogging through the mire of depression and darkness that is this path. Only truth in its purity will allow me to forge ahead to clear blue skies and sunlight roads.
My creed must be set against every aspect of my life, repeatedly and relentlessly, until the answers lie before me. With Truth as my weapon I will slay the demons of ignorance and deception. With weapon in hand I march, always pressing forward, eyes on the horizon ahead.
"Lies are the weapons which attack the very fabric of our reality."
With this song playing in the background, my world is destroyed with almost clockwork regularity. I can't fight this way anymore. I can't continue slogging through the mire of depression and darkness that is this path. Only truth in its purity will allow me to forge ahead to clear blue skies and sunlight roads.
My creed must be set against every aspect of my life, repeatedly and relentlessly, until the answers lie before me. With Truth as my weapon I will slay the demons of ignorance and deception. With weapon in hand I march, always pressing forward, eyes on the horizon ahead.