My Offerings to Thee, O Wise and Powerful Internet

All the things clamouring around inside my head fighting to get out get crammed onto this page instead. Saves space where it's needed most, right?

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Location: Burnaby, british columbia, Canada

everything written or spoken about a person is merely a single facet of a very complex gem that we rarely ever even get a proper glimpse of.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

F**k you society I wanna be DIFFERENT

call me hermit bob the introvert the incredible animal who can't even communicate properly but could let you in on the secrets of the whole goddamn universe if you're willing to listen. It's all about me this year it seems and I can't quite wrap my head around the concept. no one else seems to matter and I can't tell if it's selfishness or if it's just me learning some valuable and neccessary skills. This whole house is kinda fucked and I don't really care. Everything is kinda fucked... and I really don't care. I'm just so detached from all things occurring around me. Just music and visuals and brief bouts of glorious self-expression all manifesting in this ugly mess that doesn't really touch me. Maybe it's some kind of summer thing. I don't have time for the shit that can't captivate my attention without fail. if I walk a particular road for long enough then I'll just come to it's end, right? One more message of perseverance and persistence versus a staggering lack of motivation to do anything valuable with my fucking life simply out of a lack of desire in the most honest sense of the fucking word?
I could sit here all goddamn day and I think I might. Just listen to music and write and maybe read or something I'm not sure..
One day I will accomplish what I set out to do so many months ago...


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